Setting up flutter in VS Code

Sapana Subedi(She/Her)
2 min readFeb 20, 2021

Most common issues that occur while setting up flutter in VS code

Setting up flutter in Visual Studio Code might be easy-breezy for the flutter application developer but those who involve in flutter projects sporadically might tend to overlook the setup mechanism. I have been involved in several flutter application development but Trust me, every time setting up flutter has become pretty tedious and problematic.

Installation problem in flutter

  1. ‘where’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file. Error: Unable to find git in your path.

Make sure, you have downloaded the following-:

flutter, git

Next, is to add the following in user Path Variables [ Environment Variables<Users<Path ]


Now, add them in System Path Variables. [Environment Variables< System< Path]

C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe



2. Flutter: The term flutter is not recognized.. , verify the path

In Vs Code, search for ’Flutter’ in your extensions and install the ’Flutter’ extension. It will download both the ’Flutter’ and ’Dart’ extensions, which are needed to run Flutter apps.

Runtime issues in flutter

[!] Android toolchain — develop for Android devices (Android SDK version 28.0.3)

[!] Android Studio (version 4.0)

Steps to be followed

  1. Run flutter doctor — android-licenses in the terminal
  2. Creating a launch.json file and customizing as shown in fig below.
  3. Adding “program” in a launch.json file.
  4. Then run the flutter run command in the terminal after connecting the device.

I hope this blog helps you in the installation and setup process of flutter in Vs code. Happy Reading!



Sapana Subedi(She/Her)

Co-founder @Swastha Naari | One step towards Data Science World